Agreement for pre registration

Visitor Registration
This event is exclusively for professionals related to the industry.

Please note that details of the exhibition may change without further announcement.To see the latest information, please visit this homepage.

The following activities by visitors are strictly prohibited at and around the exhibition:

  • 1) Distributing leaflets or literature to exhibitirs or visitors.
  • 2) Taking photographs or video within exhibition halls.
  • 3) Conducting demonstrations or causing a disturbance.
  • 4) Sales actions of financial products and real estate to exhibitors or visitors.

The organizers may take photographs inside and outside the exhibition halls during the fair and the photographs will be used on the website or printing materials for promotion purposes by the organizers.

  • 1) Visitor agrees that the personal data provided for registration for the exhibition may be included in the organizers' database and used by the organizers for promotional purposes.
  • 2) When you register or attend to the presentations and seminars at the exhibition, your registered information will be given to the organizers of the presentations and seminars.
  • 3) Should the Japanese government and the police request your information in case of emergency, the organizer may provide them with registered information.

If you agree above statement and tick the button below, you are able to entry this form.


Personal information

Name Required
Given Name
Family Name
Company Name Required
Branch Required

N/A If you do not have "Branch", please tick the box.)
Department Required

N/A If you do not have "Department", please tick the box.)
Job Title Required

N/A If you do not have "Job title", please tick the box.)
Address Required
Province / State / Prefecture
Zip/Postal code

Phone Required
Mobile Phone
Email Required

※ Please enter your e-mail address once again.



Salutation Required
1. Nature of Business Required
2. Purpose of your visit (Tick all that apply) Required
3. How did you know Yamanashi Jewellery Fair? (Tick all that apply) Required
4. Job Position Required
5.Products You Are Looking For (Tick all that apply) Required
6. Decision-Making Authority Required
7.Exhibiting in YJF

Yamanashi Jewellery Fair 2025
pre register confirmation

Please confirm your entry.

Company Name
Job Title
Mobile Phone
1. Nature of Business
2. Purpose of your visit
3. How did you know Yamanashi Jewellery Fair?
4. Job Position
5.Products You Are Looking For
6. Decision-Making Authority
7.Exhibiting in YJF